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Hash Trash #1804: Best trail of the year!
Headline: Best trail of the year! Sub-headline: right up until an angry landowner called GFD and we did religion with no fire Hares:...

Hash Trash #1803: NYE with the AH3
Headline: PC pukes and passes out and can't make it to her own party Sub-headline: you could tell she was white-girl wasted because she...

Hash Trash #1802: no one quite died
Hares: Mary Pissmiss, Rip Van Wanker, Sawbones Box: Baza Gardens Sewage Treatment plant On-home: Togcha Cemetery Another week,...
Hash Trash #1801
Box: A couple of feet farther away from the Tanguisson Shit Plant than last week Hares: Bean Dad, The Long One, Ribbed for Her Pleasure,...

DH3: Longest Night of the Year
December 23, 2016 Hares: Blowhole, Falsetbro, Sweet Pea Box: GPO food court On-home: Hash beach The 5th rendition of the Longest Night of...
Hash Trash #1800: Event Run!
Pubic Cervix announcement #1: Darkside. It's time for the best night run of the year. You saw Blowhole's email, but it's worth repeating...
Hash Trash #1799
December 3, 2016 Hares: Foot Fucker and Just Caitlin Box: up a road by a bus stop in Piti On-home: just down the street at a guy named...
Hash Trash #1798
Headline: Hares mistake AH3 for Asphalt Hash House Harriers Sub-headline: Tyrant abandons duties to C-level replacements Pubic Cervix...
Hash Trash #1797
November 19, 2016 Hares: Fucking Tampon and Just Caitlin Box: Nimitz Hill, Turner Road Playground On -home ver 1.0: Beach across from...
Hash Trash #1796
November 12, 2016 Hares: Beandad, Drip Dry, I'm On A Goat, The Long One (as a loose-lipped KGB) Box: Japanese caves on Nimitz On-Home:...
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