Guam's Worst Drinking Club
The Agana H3 is the original Guam hash and Mother Hash of Micronesia. Since it's founding in 1981, the AH3 has colonized the Saipan, Rota, Palau, Pohnpei & Kosrae hashes, as well as 5 additional Guam Hash kennels.
Most AH3 runs are A to B 'live' sets, with hares given a 10 minute head start. Terrain varies from shiggy to thicker shiggy - in Guam that means jungles, swamps, mountains, rivers and coastline.
We'll cross whatever's between us and the beer.
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If you have really poor judgement and would like to actually run with the AH3, please read the WHEN/WHERE section below first so you don't show up all unprepared and make us lose you in the jungle where we're certain to leave you for a few days to think about all the poor decisions you've made and how if you'd only brought water you wouldn't be so thirsty and how great it would be to have a headlamp cause, wow, this jungle is really dark and, oh shit what was that - a wild boar? or maybe one of those tree snakes they have? wait, does Guam have panthers? Why didn't I listen to all that shit the tyrant was telling me? And oooh-my-god my skin has been completely replaced by mosquitoes.
Date & Time: Every Saturday. 345p show, 4p map posted
Cost: $8 for beer & snacks, $1 for gloves. T-shirts and other hash schwag are for sale.
Bring: Full hydration pack, waterproof headlamp, gloves.
Do NOT bring: Kids, dogs, or kids.
Wear: Clothes that can get muddy, bloody & torn. Tall socks or long pants are recommended.
Directions 'Guam-style': In Hagåtña between the PDN (tall building with "DNA" at the top) and the cathedral-ly, church-looking thing.
Better directions: Just tell your phone you want to go to the PDN.
Email: The answer to 90% of our emails is "4pm at the Pacific Daily News building, bring $8", but if you still need to contact someone... guamhash@gmail.com
Date & Time: Every Saturday. 3:45pm SHOW, Map is posted @ 4:00pm
Cost: $10 for beer & snacks, $1 for gloves. T-shirts and other hash swag are for sale.
Bring: Full hydration pack, waterproof headlamp, gloves.
Do NOT bring: Kids, dogs, or kids.
Wear: Clothes that can get muddy, bloody & torn. Tall socks or long pants are recommended.
How long/far is trail?: Trail length varies with difficulty. We try to have everyone in before dark.
Guam Directions: In Hagåtña between the tall building with "DNA" at the top and the cathedral-ly, church-looking thing.
Better directions: Google maps > https://goo.gl/maps/tz8Yz4PA5AcwAFRy5 Coordinates> 13°28'23.4"N 144°45'09.9"E)
Email: The answer to your question is probably "3:45 pm in Hagatna, bring $10", or "No kids, no dogs, no exceptions" but if you still need to contact someone... guamhash at gmail dot com. Email is checked irregularly, so it's best to just show up.
From drinkers to strollers, Guam's got you covered.

Darkside H3
?? We might be on one now.
Bar to bar, to bar, etc. Runs are at night, kinda.. whenever. There are 3 good ways to find a DH3 run:
1) Go to an AH3 run and ask.
2) Go out Friday night. If you see flour - follow it.
3) Know Bambi.